Support: FAQs
General Questions
What is Proposition 65?
In November 1986, California voters approved a ballot initiative to address concerns about exposures to toxic chemicals. That initiative became The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known by its original name, Proposition 65.
What does Proposition 65 require?
First, it requires the Governor of California to publish a list of chemicals that are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Over 700 chemicals and materials, including many metals and plastics, have been listed as of March 10, 2000.
Second, it requires Manufacturers to provide a “clear and reasonable” warning before exposing anyone to a listed chemical. This warning can be given by a variety of means, such as by labeling a consumer product, by posting signs at the workplace, or by publishing notices in a newspaper.
What does a Proposition 65 warning mean?
It means that the Manufacturer issuing the warning believes that one or more listed chemicals is present in its product, even if it is only present in trace quantities. Briggs Plumbing has chosen to label all of its products available in North America. We use language approved by the State of California as follows:
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
For more information: www.briggsplumbing.com/faq/what-is-proposition-65
What kinds of chemicals and materials are on the list?
The list contains a wide range of chemicals and materials, including many metals and plastics, dyes, solvents, pesticides, drugs, food additives, and byproducts of certain processes. These chemicals may be naturally occurring, or synthetic. Some of them are ingredients of common household products, others are specialty chemicals used in common industrial applications.
How can I get more information?
The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, OEHHA, maintains a comprehensive website athttp://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65.html. This website explains the law and offers a list of all the chemicals and materials.
You can also e-mail or telephone the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s Proposition 65 Implementation Office at (916) 445-6900.
If I have a problem with my product what should I do?
Contact Customer Service toll free at 800-888-4458. Pictures, proof of purchase and installation date may be required.
How much can I expect to pay for a Briggs product?
Briggs provides only suggested retail prices as a guideline for wholesale and retail distributors. Keep in mind that prices may vary by model, color, region and distributor.
I need to replace my toilet seat. Can I order one from you?
Briggs Plumbing Products, Inc. does not manufacture or sell seats. You can purchase seats from a distributor or a retailer in your area.
Can I purchase a toilet or faucet directly from Briggs?
We do not sell direct to consumers. As a professional manufacturer, we sell to distributors, plumbing contractors, retail outlets, etc.
If I have a problem with my product what should I do?
Contact the Customer Service Department toll free at 800-888-4458 for china and faucets. Pictures, proof of purchase and installation date may be required.